
Juvenile/Probate courts donate basic baby supplies to Children Services

LIMA – Allen County Probate and Juvenile courts Judge Todd Kohlrieser and members of his staff dropped off basic baby supplies to Allen County Children Services today.

Court staff collected diapers, wipes and formula to donate to Allen County Children Services (ACCS). The items will be passed onto families in need served by ACCS.

Staff at the court wanted to do something during April’s Child Abuse Prevention Month to help children and struggling families that sometimes don’t have enough money to pay for essential items. A collection drive was organized.

The court has intimate knowledge of the struggles families served by Children Services face since there are many cases that have some type of court involvement. For families, a donation means one less item they must try to purchase often on tight budget. It also can address needs that sometimes are neglected due to lack of money.

Child abuse prevention is much more than just making a phone call if someone notices possible signs of abuse or neglect. It’s addressing the needs of families that may lead to high stress, neglect and abuse.

Court staff felt strongly about helping our community’s most vulnerable children and sees this donation as an investment in the future. The donation represents much more than diapers, wipes and formula, it represents hope and opportunity and hopefully offers a chance to help break the cycle of abuse and neglect.

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month and a time to raise awareness for the prevention of child abuse. Children deserve the chance to grow up in a setting free from abuse and neglect.


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